Sherlock Holmes and Zombieland

10:41 AM Raissa 1 Comments

Watched two movies in two days!----my moolah is gone, down in the drain! BYE BYE! LOOOL

I watched Sherlock Holmes last friday (Jan. 8) with Steph. It was all sudden to be exact. she wanted to watch a movie, and i was a bit reluctant since i want to catch music bank live in my telly.
But since i'm a ever so good friend, i agreed to join her watch Sherlock Holmes.

Good thing the movie didn't disappoint, cause if it did i will bite steph's head off. Kidding on that part. The movie was good. Robert Downey Jr. was so devious in the movie at the same time hilarious. And Jude Law was hot, but if he looses the mustache, he will be even hotter.
The setting of the movie was quite nice too, since i've always wanted to try live in that kind of era. Wear fancy dresses and ride carriages. hehehe.
So yeah, try watching Sherlock Holmes if you have time.

Next movie was Zombieland.
Seriously, i thought Zombieland was your normal Zombie Movie, like Shaun of the Dead(is it
right) and 28 days of something... yeah.

I actually thought that at the start of the movie, there will be people and suddenly there will be an outbreak, causing people to become zombies.
Well i was 100% wrong, because at the start of the movie, it was already Zombieland.
I had a good laugh with the movie and it was kinda yucky to see the zombies eating the people around. What i enjoyed most in the film was the rules.

Rule No.
  1. Cardio
  2. Double Tap
  3. Seatbelt
  4. (32) Enjoy the little things.
Oh and I also hate clowns. =___=. there was a clown in the movie!! scared the hell out of me!


Anonymous said...

*stabs zombie clown's face in!*

I hate him so much D: